Medical Braces in El Paso, TX

Patients Come First At Our Office

Here at Custom Orthotics & Prosthetics, we understand how important it is to have our patients come first. Our patients come to us with a variety of needs and our compassionate staff helps them in seeking the best orthotic or prosthetic method. Our patients are met with staff that possess the knowledge and experience in handling a variety of related matters. Applying the best orthotic and prosthetic device requires extensive knowledge about the anatomy and structure of the body ligaments. We are proud to serve every patient with the capacity of this knowledge. Every patient is different and so are the needs that they may have. With this in mind, we strive to carefully assess the issue so that we may apply the best orthotic or prosthetic device. We work hard to gain the respect and reputation that comes from diligent attention to our patients of all ages, races, color and creed. We understand the difficulty that a person may be experiencing from having to undergo an amputation. There are psychological and physical “re-training” methods that we understand and apply to our patients. We all experience different specific ailments that can hinder our progress performing daily activities, but here at Custom Orthotics & Prosthetics, we individualize our devices with the lifestyle and daily habits that each person has. Patients come first in everything that we do. We offer a variety of orthotic braces to treat feet, knee, back, leg and arms. Customer service is what our office thrives on and we often have clients coming to our office based on the recommendations of their friends and family.

If you have any questions about how our patients come first when handling orthotics and prosthetics in El Paso, TX, visit us here at 3901 Montana Ste. C. Or you can call us at (915) 566-3440.


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